Once this completes the database should be available in the running instance of MariaDB/MySQL.

Backup all MySQL databases to separate files # Backing up/restoring a database in Plesk for Linux. If you used a Dump Project Folder, then you can select the databases and tables that need to be restored. When installing a MySQL server, the main backup utility is … Why have my intelligent pigeons not taken over the continent? Required fields are marked *. Restore mysql database from dump sql file.
for Windows 305 MySQL Column Types 293 MySQL Create Table 289 MySQL Data Types 293 MySQL Database and Mono 610 MySQL Database 275 MySQL ODBC Driver 306 MySQL Server Backup Database 289 MySQL Server Command Line Tools 288, 291 MySQL . To select a database, execute the following command in your MySQL command line interface.
How to change default ASP.NET and/or PHP version, How to enable the Disk Cleanup tool on Windows Server 2008 R2, How to change your password in the client portal in WHMCS. Reducing download time using prime numbers, what makes locate so fast compared with find. Download the file.sql to your local hard drive "\path\to\local\backup\folder". Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Programming & related technical career opportunities, Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Hi, you can simply backup your MySQL Server databases automatically with the help of MySQLBackupFTP, check it, I agree with Ruel. When taking a full backup, the target directory must be empty or it must not exist. Why do one-party states still have a party at all? How did Isaac Asimov come up with the 3 laws of robotics? How to Automate MySQL Database Backups in Linux, How to Automate MongoDB Database Backups in Linux. However, it is preferable to restore a large database using the mysql command utility. For more information on how to use these tools to Back up a database review the following links: Create a Full Database Backup. sql file into the database 'database-name'. The restore is simply performed with the below command, where we are again specifying a user and to be prompted for a password, and passing the.

# plesk db dump SHOW TABLES You should see the output similar to the following.
Create a MySQL Backup from Command Line - MySQL Import SQL File How to Install SQL Server 2012 Express on Windows Server 2012 Popular tags within this category include: MySQL, MSSQL, phpMyAdmin, PostgreSQL, and more.